The space between Christmas and New Years.
That's where we are at now.
Nothing is what it seems and no one really knows which hand is up.
For some, they'll wake up tomorrow and think, thank God it's Monday and I'm not working.
For others it's a new feeling that they'll wake up and think, Thank God my mom didn't get me another t-shirt this Christmas, instead she got me this rad guitar case...Oh fuck I need to be at work in 20 mins....
For the more unfortunate they've worked the whole weekend through and/or this is nothing new to them.
For me it's same old same old. Work or not. Guess that's just me, with dreams that one day I'll wake up in this black hole time laps and not worry about what I'm doing, just wishing that I'd rather not piss and moan, because I'm doing what I love. Be it Music, Photography, Writing up this "unasked for" opinion or anything really.

Or maybe I'm just going on because I honesty do not have anything better to do, except to go shower and lay down In front of our friendly neighbourhood mass media. Television. Soon to be 3D if you're into consumerism and all that, or if you had a lovely/lucky Christmas.
Maybe I'll listen to my shinny, not so new, with not so 5% legal music on it, Ipod. Oops. Where else am I supposed to get Elbow Orchestra tracks in SA? C'mon!
Anyways, enough about that.
I just want to wish everybody a Shinny Happy New Year and a bunch of friendly cheer.
PS. On a side note, I've noticed a lot of views out of America. Now I'm not complaining but why the sudden interest if I haven’t posted in about, oh I don't know....5 days? Weird.[I must be doing something right]. So thank you! Tell all your friends about it anyways - And let them check it out even though I don’t post for, like, 2 weeks. Yes we can! Yes we can!
C'mon United Kingdom, let's get viewing.
Don't let me down now Pony-Boy...
-South Africa, I know you've got my back-
Everybody elsewhere, Germany(I'll see you soon), United Arab Emirates, Croatia, Canada, Slovenia, Russia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Mexico and anyone I've missed. Thank you.
See you in the year of next.
From me to you,
Love & Rubix cubes.